The Blog
At Home with Katelyn
First of all, I am so honored to have this opportunity. The Folkvord family is just an iconic group of individuals that my family and myself have admired for years. The Farmer's Daughters Cafe is exactly what this town needs.
At Home With The Ranch Wives
Growing up I was no stranger to the Agricultural community and very much felt a member. While not being a daughter of a farmer or rancher myself, I had so many friends that were and spent countless hours with their family riding horses and being wild and free range kids.
At Home With Haylee Folkvord
HELLO everyone, I am Haylee Folkvord, one of the Farmer’s Daughters. Along with daughter, I am a sister, girlfriend, Aunt Hay, and mom to KITTY! With my sister, Polly Pocket (the story behind her nickname is REAL good!), we run the Farmer’s Daughters Café and RSVP Motel. I also do the sales and events at our other property, the Sacajawea Hotel, and the social media for our businesses.
At Home With Natalie Kovarick
Greetings Friends - goodness what a time to be alive. For most of us these past few months have been anything short of challenging. Full of far too many tumultuous and fear ridden moments, but also just as many positive ones too - moments of rest and relaxation and much needed quality time.
At Home With The Farmer's Daughters // Whitney Bird
hank you all for tuning into our new series At Home With The Farmer’s Daughters. Here we interview people we admire. We want to find out what they are doing during this quarantine. All our guests have a strong connection to agriculture.