At Home With The Ranch Wives
Photo by Whitney Bird Photography
Meet JaTanna Williams
Growing up I was no stranger to the Agricultural community and very much felt a member. While not being a daughter of a farmer or rancher myself, I had so many friends that were and spent countless hours with their family riding horses and being wild and free range kids. My grandmother grew up in the homesteading lifestyle and very much continued those traditions in keeping chickens, horses, sheep and any other animal she could get her hands on. My husband would call this a “funny farm” and little does he know we are on our way! Ha! Ok maybe he knows he is just in denial. Marrying a 6th generation rancher –strictly black cows and no other funny business, I have graciously accepted the roll and title of Ranch Wife. One that some may shy away from or scoff at as undermining –I gladly wear it as a badge. The title of Ranch Wife to me means the Jack of all trades and the master of many. Not only am I the wife of the rancher but the mother of the mini ranchers, three to be exact, and watching them learn and soak up all this fulfilling life has to offer brings me my greatest happiness.
What are you reading?
Goodnight tractor?? Gosh I really need some grown up suggestions. I honestly haven’t made enough time for reading myself. Adding to the to do list now! I have a beautiful study from @blessedisshe_ entitled ROOTED I cannot wait to dive into.
What are you cooking?
What am I NOT cooking? After the sunroom I would say my second favorite room in the house is the kitchen. Lately I have been diving into the freezer to make crockpot meals such as pull apart roast and beef barley soup. My favorite meal to make my family is a childhood favorite: Swiss Steak –with an inexpensive cut of meat it cooks down to the most delicious and tender bite. You can find it under my highlights bubble “RECIPES” –I hope you find it and enjoy!
What are you wearing?
I am pretty basic. Wranglers and a T most days and I love a men’s western button down from Ely Cattleman. You can catch me chasing kids and cattle in yoga pants and a Henley on a busy day and I’m not ashamed of that. Ha.
Favorite spot in the house?
The sun room. Wrapped in windows this room is so warm and inviting. In the next week or so I will plant some starts for my garden and the sunroom will be teaming with life (cross your fingers).
What is your morning ritual?
Counting my kiddos. Ha! No really they all will pile into my bed and I like to soak as much of that time in as possible! They won’t be little forever and I am really enjoying the slowness of these mornings.
How has this experience changed you?
It has been painfully clear to me in the last week that my kids are aware of what is going on. Not that we were jet setters before but we enjoyed a weekly trip to the Museum of the Rockies for my dino obsessed three year old. Huddy is devastated with closures and asked if his beloved holidays were canceled –crushed my mama heart. I’ve geared towards not saying the word canceled or closed, focusing on activities at our ‘home” that bring them joy. I am so grateful that our home is surrounded by an expansive space that extends that safe space into nature. Stella has always been a homebody and has flourished in this time of self reflection, having the ability to sit with herself and color to her heart’s content and help dad and papa with ranching chores. Picking rocks and preparing the pastures for summer has become a welcomed reprieve from the household happenings and cooped up kiddos. I’m in the business of raising free range kids of course! Ultimately this time has been a blessing for us vs misfortune. So many people have opened their homes to deliveries of our family raised beef and for that I am grateful. I am grateful to have this time with my kiddos so young. Their senior year of school was not cut short and I have gotten so much more time with them. We have been blessed.
How are you staying connected with friends and family?
Can you imagine how stir crazy we’d all be without a dose of TikTok every once in a while!
During this time I haven’t had the ability to completely quarantine –on top of what I do with Ranch Wives Beef Co and our family operation –I am a full time pharmacist. I have been able to take some days off during this time but my mom still has the kiddos several days per week. My mother in law watches them when I need to help with ranch chores and luckily we have all been able to stay well. We limit our interaction as much as possible and technology helps us oh so much in this regard.