Secrets To Stress Free Travel

Secrets To Stress Free Travel

Traveling can be stressful. From the long lines, to the excessive amounts of people, to the recirculated air on the plan (eww!), it can really take a toll on you.

I have a few tricks that I have learned along the way that I would like to share with you.  The main thing is to plan ahead, control what you can control, and don’t let the things you cannot control stress you out.

My husband and I love to travel, and we feel we are getting quite good at streamlining our travel days.

Photos by Whitney Bird Photography

Secrets To Stress Free Travel

Get Through Fast

Make the investment to get TSA Pre-Check and Global Entry. These are so helpful and eliminate many headaches about the airport process. First, you get rid of the need to get to the airport so early, since the TSA Pre-Check lines move quicker and are usually less crowded. You avoid the hassles of taking off your shoes, unloading your laptop, and taking out your liquids. These things sound small, but the benefits become huge when it comes to rushing through security, trying to unpack and repack all your items in line, getting to your gate, and trying to squeeze in that much needed pre-flight glass of wine. Two words, “GAME CHANGER!” Also, Global Entry makes flying internationally much less of a chore. When you arrive back in the USA with Global Entry, you literally bypass all the Customs lines and breeze right through.

Never Check A Bag

OK, never say never right? If I am traveling for 10+ days, especially after I have this baby, I may relent and check a bag. But the rest of the time, I avoid it at all costs.  I am proud to say that I have not checked a bag in over 2 years, with the exception of our wedding in Cabo (the dress).  I thought traveling to Italy with only a carry-on bag would be impossible. We had 8 nights planned on the Amalfi Coast, bouncing from town to town every 2 nights. We knew traveling with too much luggage would become a chore on a trip like this, so we bit the bullet and purchased DELSEY carry-on bags.  I use to be a total over-packer. Now, because of my carry-on, I must be selective and pick items that work together, which is actually really helpful when deciding what to wear each day. More on that topic to come for sure!  As I said previously, another time-saver is that you do not need to arrive at the airport 1.5 – 2 hours early. Armed with TSA Pre-Check and a carry-on, you can skip the ticket counter and bag-checking process, breeze right through security, and leisurely stroll to your gate or airport bar of choice. And, once you arrive at your destination, you avoid that baggage claim wait that we have all endured.  This is not an ad, however, this DELSEY carry-on is more than worth the investment. The size is great, the two-sided compartments make it easy to pack all your items efficiently, and, most importantly, it is super cute!

Secrets To Stress Free Travel
Secrets To Stress Free Travel

Stay Hydrated

Water, water, and more water.  Flying leaves my skin feeling so dry, dull, and dehydrated. If you are lacking the proper hydration, flying can really take a toll on your body.  I try to get a few 32oz bottles of Smart Water and drink one per flight. My other travel hack is bringing my own cut up lemons. We all know the great benefits of lemon water, add in the fact that airplanes can be cold, and this is the perfect solution.  Just get a cup of hot water on the plane, add in some lemon, and you are all set.  The more of this you can have, the better.  Also, to help hydrate my skin, I spritz Herbivore Hydrating Face Mist in flight.

Eat Well

The best advice here is to come prepared.  Remember, control what you can control.  We all know that airport food can often be less than desirable.  It is typically processed, which leaves me feeling gross and bloated.  I try to always bring snacks with me.  This helps me avoid the “hangry” stage when I will eat whatever is available.  My go to travel snacks are: nut mixture (almonds, macadamia nuts, goji berries, and cashews), fruit, hard-boiled eggs, and almond butter travel packs.

Plan Ahead

My last advice is to plan ahead and be as prepared as possible.  Be sure to check-in for your flight the day before and have your boarding pass ready on your smart phone.  This saves time on travel day, and it gives you the chance to double check everything on your ticket and itinerary to be sure that it is correct.  Also, call ahead of time and confirm your transportation to or from the airport.  Whether it’s a private driver, rental car, or even a taxi or Uber, make sure you set up meeting points and times and make sure everything is ready to go (Uber is not available at all airports).  Finally, call ahead to your accommodations to be sure everything is correct, and be sure to ask for an early check-in, if needed, and the possibility of an upgrade.  Bon Voyage!

Ciera Krinke

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