How To Plan Your Day

Lately I’ve been finding so much joy in the small, everyday rituals that bring me back to the present moment. Taking my coffee by the fireplace, having gratitude for the sunrise, after school ‘dates’ with the kids, cooking in the kitchen, quiet evenings with our family. I’ve shared stories about my ‘morning pages,’ or my journal time in the morning. This exercise helps me gain clarity for the day ahead. It also helps me get things done. After reading ‘Tools of Titans’ (which I highly recommend…actually listen on audible, it’s a huge book), one big takeaway from all the successful people interviewed was their morning page rituals. I’ve taken ideas from the book, and also from other morning journals and prompts that have helped me. Here is the version that works best for me:

How To Plan Your Day

  • List out your Big Goals

*I have 3 categories for goals (family/business/wellness)

  • List out goals for the day

*3 must get done tasks for the day

  • List 3 things you are grateful for.

*I like to get micro with these

*Example: I am grateful for 8 hours of sleep or I am grateful for this warm cup of coffee.

  • How Do I Want To Feel Today

*Examples: calm, inspired or I love what @melissawoodhealth says each day ‘How Bad Do You Want To Feel Good.’

  • 2 positive habits for the day

*Ex: be a great leader by….. or be intentional about my communication today.

  • Send Happiness To Someone

*This was another theme in Tools of Titans

  • Write Down Ways for Self Development for the Day: here are mine:

*Workout: Hot Yoga 

*Walk: 30 minutes

*Meditate: Oura Ring App

*Cryotherapy: 2minutes

*Sauna: 20 minutes

*Read: Currently Reading

  • I then write out my day, I will add in where I plan to do the things above

  • Food For The Day

* I do this to eliminate choices when the day is full, keep me from reaching for food that doesn’t make me feel my best

Breakfast: Glowing Green Smoothie + Protein Powder

Lunch: Aniston Salad + Tuna

Dinner: Keto Bowls

I know that sounds like a lot, but after refining this for the past couple of years, it doesn’t take long for me.  If you are trying to get started doing this, I wouldn’t recommend doing everything above. Start small and build over time.

Here’s to a productive day!

5:00 Morning Routine

6:00 Breakfast for kids (ugh my kids are early risers!)

6:30 Cryotherapy + Get Ready

8:15 School Drop

9:00 Work

*Power Hour: most vital priorities 

10:00 Yellowstone Weekly Call

10:30 Meet with Management Team

1:30 Pick up Henry

2:00 Walk

3:30 Pick up Livv

5:00 Dinner: Keto Bowls

7:30 Sauna

8:30 Lights Out


GM Thoughts…


Huevos Rancheros