Healthy Habits

When it comes to my wellness routine, I focus on being consistent. I’ve learned over time that if you can commit to making small adjustment to your day, and repeat those positive habits day after day, it has the power to change your life.  I was recently asked for 3 things that have had a big impact on my wellness journey.  Here are 3 that have changed my life, and cost no money, just discipline and commitment:
  1. SLEEP — Sleep is hands down my top priority. I can drink all the green juice, take all the workout classes, etc., but without proper sleep, it only goes so far. My evening routine is key to set me up for quality sleep. I will share a details of this next week. But once I focused on quality sleep, everything changed. Now, those of us with small children know this is a challenge. My children in particular have been terrible sleepers. I chose to go to bed when they do (which is early!), but this ensures I’m getting enough deep sleep for recover and repair.
  2. MOVEMENT — I walk everyday. In January of 2020, I started following @gigi from @delaheart (I was 8 months pregnant with Henry at the time). She has a wonderful approach to movement, and her cardio of choice is walking. Once Henry arrived, I committed to walking everyday, didn’t miss a day for 5 months, haven’t missed many days in the past 3 years, and the results changed my life. I used to be the cardio queen, spending hours and hours running and doing HIIT training. Now, it’s pretty much all walking, and the results speak for themselves.  My brain is clearer and my body is leaner than before children. Plus, this is something that I can do with my kids, and it is really hard to come up with an excuse to not go for a walk each day, lol.
  3. MINDFULNESS — I truly believe everyone should find their form of meditation/prayer. I like to call it ‘stillness.’ (Favorite book by Ryan Holiday ‘Stillness Is The Key’), I’ve done all the mediation training from TM to Joe Dispenza. The late Timothy Keller (a well known pastor) resonated most with me. He talked about letting the thoughts come in versus trying to get them out. Let me know if you want more on this. I carve out 15 minutes daily. Again, with kids, some days it’s in my closet or in my car, whenever and wherever I can find the time.
  4. I want to add #4 - REAL FOOD - I always find it amazing that when I primarily shop on the perimeter of the grocery store (fruits, veggies, quality protein, etc.), my grocery bill is less and the health results are better. I’ve also learned that when junk food isn’t in the house, it limits the ‘unhealthy options’ for me or the kids. If I prep the fruit and veggies, the kids often go for those in the fridge over chips or crackers in the the pantry.
I’ve been working on adding small habits into my life for years, experimenting on what works for me and what does not. Here are a few more things I love, I’m hesitant to share these as they are an investment, however they really have made a difference on how I feel.
  1. Dry brushing - @delaheart makes the best! But, if you have a body brush laying around, start there and see if it helps.
  2. Sauna - @clearlight - I like to use this time for meditation/prayer.  This is a tough one to find alternative for.  You either need to buy a sauna or know a facility that has one.
  3. Cold plunge @icebarrel.  If you live in a northern climate, getting cold exposure is easy in the winter.  And, if temps are warmer where you live, a bathtub and some bags of ice or a cold shower could do the trick.
  4. Lymphatic drainage - I love a lymphatic drainage massage. Probably my favorite wellness hack, however they can get $$$. Gigi created a wonderful lymphatic drainage tool that costs $50, if used consistently the results are amazing! Also her oil are great and will not break the bank.
One last tip if you being to embark on any or all of these…give yourself some grace.  Consistency is key, but if you miss a day, don’t get down, just don’t miss two in a row.

Beef Tenderloin with Truffle Aioli


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